Saturday 1 December 2012

Supervisor meeting 1

Before I started the first draft of my project proposal I needed to get things in perspective. I contacted Brian Robinson and arranged a meeting as soon as possible in order to halt my worries and eliminate my problems/concerns for the project proposal. I started off by explaining the direction of my proposal, my aims and objectives and finally the literature I had already referenced. I then went onto explain my worries which were; what does each section of the proposal require (a blunt and more simple translation), were there any areas of my study that I had neglected and what (if any) tips could he give me for the proposal as a whole?

Tackling the first issue, Brian broke down each section of the proposal in words I could understand both vocally and physically. With the sections of the project proposal more clear, we then moved onto the areas of my particular field of study that I had not yet explored or neglected. Brian took into account that I had already referenced important areas of study relevant to my project such as notorious directors of the horror genre, lighting techniques in television and the sub genre of science-fiction horror. Brian suggested I look into film theory and cinematography in order to break down and truly understand the medium of cinema, as well as to help rationalise and highlight the key elements within the genre of horror.

I then made my way to the library, picked up eight new books and started compiling more references for my project proposal.
Brian was very helpful during this meeting, however due to others in the same seat as me panicking about the project proposal, I only got so much of Brian's time as he had a laundry list of others to see.

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