Friday, 8 February 2013

Project target audience

During this week's group meeting, I had to bring some people in the group up to speed on what my final submission piece will contain. I elaborated on my project aim and objectives, highlighting what I want to do for my final piece which is to create a 3D environment that successfully depicts the atmosphere of Japanese horror as it would appear in the medium of film. This was met with good praise along with my progress so far, however, one group member asked me (to the best of my memory), "what audience will the final piece be aimed towards?"

I froze because I had already covered which countries I will be using to identify and compare the unique characteristics of Japanese horror films, my project aim and objectives, my project deliverables list and my own horror film criteria. One important element I had missed out was the intended target audience to which I will be directing my project. The group highlighted the importance of this element by reminding me if I intend to showcase my work or look for employment in the future, I should have every area of context in relation to my work figured out, otherwise I might be left embarrassed and speechless.

The target audience for my project in which I will be researching, identifying and displaying the unique characteristics of Japanese horror films, will be aimed at those between fifteen and thirty years of age. Horror films are pursued by younger couples as a recreational activity, therefore, I would like to designate this group as my primary target audience. I have been a horror film enthusiast from a young age and recognise that I am not the only individual who carries this interest and passion, therefore, I will be setting horror film enthusiasts and fans as my secondary target audience.

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