Friday, 15 March 2013

Project deliverables list (updated)

I have updated my project objectives, therefore, I will be trimming some of my project deliverables based on each of my objectives such as, the removal of European horror films from the comparison elements (objective one), replacing criteria for each country with my personal criteria/framework (objective one), removing film theory and research on John Carpenter (objective two), replacing my choice of title for my American directed horror film case study (objective two) and subtracting all but one list item from objective three.

I have removed European horror from my comparison studies because of time constraints and lack of knowledge. Criteria has been replaced with my own horror film criteria/framework because of context and time constraints. For a more effective comparison within my case studies, I have changed my choice of title for the American directed horror film from 'The Thing' (1982) to 'A Nightmare On Elm Street' (1984). Film theory has been removed from objective number two because I feel that it will be covered within my case studies and thus, will not require being made into a separate piece on my blog. Research on John Carpenter has been removed from objective two because I will no longer be studying his works in my case studies. Objective three has been thinned out to ensure my final piece has more development time and is not interrupted by any other deliverables.

Objective 1 deliverable(s):
  • Personal horror interpretation (sketchbook(s) and supporting files included)
  • Japanese and American horror film characteristic research (references included)
  • Japanese and American horror film codes and conventions research (references included) 
  • Personal horror film criteria
  • Critically acclaimed Japanese horror film research (references included)
  • Japanese horror film remakes/interpretations research (references included)

Objective 2 deliverable(s):
  • Case study on 'A Nightmare on Elm Street' (1984) (references included)
  • Case study on 'Ringu' (1998) (references included) 
  • Summarised findings (references included)

Objective 3 deliverable(s):
  • Complete 3D environment (sketchbook, references and supporting files included)

Next steps:
  • Japanese and American horror film characteristics
  • Japanese and American horror codes & conventions
  • Develop practical work

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