Thursday, 17 January 2013

Choosing a setting (continued) - Brazil

This is the last of my three possible locations for my 3D horror environment. Like the previous two posts I will be looking for notable horror tiles in film and computer and video games, as well as any cultural events or traditions to which I might be able to create a theme for my final piece.

  • At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul (1964)
  • Embodiment of Evil (2008)
  • Awakening of the Beast (1970)
  • The Bloody Exorcism of Coffin Joe (1974)
  • The Strange Hostel of Naked Pleasures (1976)
  • Hellish Flesh (1977)
  • Trilogia de Terror (Trilogy of Horror) (1968)
  • The Strange World of Coffin Joe (1968)
  • This Night I'll Possess Your Corpse (1967) 
  • Turistas (Paradise Lost) (2006)

After some online research I have discovered that Brazilian horror cinema has a descent selection of examples to use as research for a more effective understanding of horror although, there are is not a lot to work with here. Most of the titles I found are set before the 1980's and only two titles from 2006 onwards. Most of my study would be focusing on older works which does not provide a very secure or detailed time line of the progression of horror in Brazil.

Similar to Switzerland, Brazil is not known for any major horror titles in the gaming industry. I could only find one soild Brazilian games developer named Hoplon Infotainment, known for its 2008 title 'Taikodom', an online multiplayer. Other than that I could not find much which makes me less interested in selecting this country because it does not appear to be a great inspirational source in the development of horror.

Cultural events or traditions
Looking for cultural events or traditions in Brazil was proving to be difficult as most sites were not up-to-date however, I did come across a website that gives travellers advice to having a stress free time which listed a number of events by month, letting anyone planning to make a trip to Brazil know what is worth seeing and what to avoid. I have posted the link to the page at the bottom of this post as the piece is rather long.*KJqtUNiLdmQdkdGuuLKgGR6vxXvrMttUrFBIDHF1ylOt-StXj/c40_18075219.jpg

What could this country provide towards the development of my project and horror?
In terms of project development and horror Brazil has not got a particularly large amount to offer. The horror films of Brazil would be good to develop a greater understanding of older horror productions, allowing for new studies in lighting, shadows and colour, as well as understanding how horror was depicted at an earlier age in Brazil. Horror games, like Switzerland are next to none in terms of aiding in the development of my project or horror, as I have nothing to research or study. Cultural events are very inspiring for Brazil as they are enriched with bright tasteful colours, which would have great potential for inspiring a horror scene amidst the glamour and festivities of the evening, which in turn could also help me develop practise in both daylight and nigh time settings.

Nightlife in Brazil:

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