Wednesday 24 April 2013

Personal horror interpretation (3D) - basic structure

Carrying on from my previous post, I have now completed the basic structure of the cabin for my personal horror interpretation. Below I will be outlining the progress thus far on my 3D horror scene and presenting details for the next stage of my personal horror interpretation.

Design Process:
Using the template I had selected, I raised the walls to a slightly higher point, adjusting both the width of the rooms and the outer walls. In order to separate the rooms from each other and help the scene gain a sense of space, the next element which needed to be completed was the doors.

 Ensuring the polygon count was kept to a minimum, I created the doorways to separate the rooms. As my model is based on the cabin from Evil Dead 2 (1987), I looked towards the referenced images in my previous 3D sketchbook post and used them to make appropriate placements for the doorways. Once the doors were in place I hid them to create more space for the next stage of the basic structure.

 After the doors were constructed and hidden, I decided to do the windows. Again, using the floor plans and referenced images from my previous post, I placed the windows accordingly, providing the cabin interior with enough exterior light sources and not overwhelming it with clutter. Again, once I had finished constructing all the windows, I hid them from the scene to make sure I have plenty of space for the next stage of my personal horror interpretation.

Next development stage:
In my next digital sketchbook blog post for my personal horror interpretation (3D), I will be constructing all the props using images from both relevant media sources (horror films) and real life examples, focusing on prop choices, placements and materials to ensure realism is maintained within my works as much as possible.

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